Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Haha. My dad and my sister! Neither of them REALLY look DISGUSTING, but I'm posting it anyway.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Great idea for a blog! These are the first two pictures I thought of, but since I leave my webcam on timer a lot, I know that there are zillions more. The first one is a super sexy outtake from a modelling shoot -- before Photoshopping, and just before I touched up my makeup, so there's a loooovely zit on my chin, too. The second was taken one morning when I woke up hungover with just about the worst migraine I've ever had, which explains why my pupils are totally different sizes...

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saturday, July 21, 2007

another submission! keep em coming people!

oops I forgot one..


this blog is like 5 minutes old and already we have our first submission. I knew Raymi would be into this....

Welcome to the I'm So Disgusting website, home of the I'm So Disgusting Contest, and a place to post your most hideous self-portraits for the world to see.

Please take ugly self-portraits and email them to me here.

Do not send me gigantic files or I will be pissed. Please take them with a cell phone or format them in photoshop so the width is 320 pixels.

A winner will be selected weekly, or monthly, or something, and a new CHAMPION will be selected anytime someone uploads a MORE disgusting picture than anything previously seen.


Anyone who sends me pictures of their cocks will be reported to the authorities.